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2014-06-11 | 网络



英语初学者在词汇的使用上一般太宽太泛,欠缺准确性。比如想到走,只会用walk, 其实表示走的词汇有很多,如:stroll漫步, 闲逛; stagger 摇晃地走等等。


英语母语的人在使用英语的时候用词经常非常形象化,而我们一般用词就比较刻板。比如上升,很多人只会用increase, 其实用climb 这个简单的词就很形象。再如下文:

Dianas sudden death triggered a global outpouring of grief and boosted an already thriving Diana Industry. Described in an editorial in the Daily Mirror tabloid as the grief industry, interest in Diana has also spawned hundreds of exclusive biographies by people who claim to have been close to her.

trigger n. (枪的)扳机; v. 引发, 引起, 触发

spawn n.鱼等的)卵; v. 产卵,催生,造成,使产生


词汇的多样性也是看一个语言学习者词汇掌握是否丰富的重要方面。比如一篇文章讲汽车,其中就使用了car / motorcar / automobile / auto / vehicle 等词进行替换,你如果都掌握了,就可以很容易判断文章的主题。还有一篇关于老年人的作文,一般人只会用old people, 如果你使用了the old / the elderly / the aged / the elderly population / senior citizens, 显然就技高一筹。再如阅读理解中原文用legislator, 答案用lawmaker进行替换。以上这些例子都说明了词汇的多样性的重要。


现代英语中复合词的使用非常广泛,且很多字典上都不一定能查到,平时要注意多总结。比如-free 这个词表示没有,免除,可以组成很多复合词,flood-free 没有洪水的,fat-free 没有脂肪的。



首先是根据出题顺序和行文顺序的一致性原则回到原文的大致位置,一般能定位到具体段落,如第N段。然后再根据题干关键词和(或)选项中的关键词找出在文中的对应句子,比如第N段第N句。这里的关键词定位具体来说有3种情况: 只要根据题干关键词或信息就可以在原文找到对应句子; 只要根据每个选项的关键词或信息在原文中找到与之一一对应的句子; 既要根据题干关键词或者信息定位,又要根据每个选项信息才能找到对应句子。



Hunting for a job late last year, lawyer Gant Redmon stumbled across CareerBuilder, a job database on the Internet. He searched it with no success but was attracted by the sites personal search agent. Its an interactive feature that lets visitors key in job criteria such as location, title, and salary, then E-mails them when a matching position is posted in the database. Redmon chose the keywords legal, intellectual property, and Washington, D.C. Three weeks later, he got his first notification of an opening. I struck gold, says Redmon, who E-mailed his resume to the employer and won a position as in-house counsel for a company.

With thousands of career-related sites on the Internet, finding promising openings can be time-consuming and inefficient. Search agents reduce the need for repeated visits to the databases. But although a search agent worked for Redmon, career experts see drawbacks. Narrowing your criteria, for example, may work against you: Every time you answer a question you eliminate a possibility. says one expert.

For any job search, you should start with a narrow concept what you think you want to do then broaden it. None of these programs do that, says another expert. Theres no career counseling implicit in all of this. Instead, the best strategy is to use the agent as a kind of tip service to keep abreast of jobs in a particular database; when you get E-mail, consider it a reminder to check the database again. I would not rely on agents for finding everything that is added to a database that might interest me, says the author of a job-searching guide.

Some sites design their agents to tempt job hunters to return. When CareerSites agent sends out messages to those who have signed up for its service, for example, it includes only three potential jobs those it considers the best matches. There may be more matches in the database; job hunters will have to visit the site again to find them and they do. On the day after we send our messages, we see a sharp increase in our traffic, says Seth Peets, vice president of marketing for CareerSite.

Even those who arent hunting for jobs may find search agents worthwhile. Some use them to keep a close watch on the emand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise. Although happily employed, Redmon maintains his agent at CareerBuilder. You always keep your eyes open, he says. Working with a personal search agent means having another set of eyes looking out for you.

41. How did Redmon find his job?

[A] By searching openings in a job database.

[B] By posting a matching position in a database.

[C] By using a special service of a database.

[D] By E-mailing his resume to a database.



题干的关键词是find job,与之对应的可以在第一段句首找到它的同义词Hunting for a job。这样以来我们就知道应该在 Hunting for a job的前后找对应句子了。再看各选项的对应句子,选项A的关键词是job database,根据它可以对应的句子是He searched it(指代job database) with no success由此可知Redmon并没有通过a job database取得成功(找到工作),所以错在相互矛盾选项B的关键词是posting a matching position,对应的句子是when a matching position is posted in the database,可知matching position是被别人寄到资料库来的,不是Redmon,所以B错在张冠李戴选项D的关键词是E-mailing his resume对应的句子是:who(Redmon)E-mailed his resume to the employer ,可知Redmon把简历寄给了雇主,不是资料库(a database),所以D也错在张冠李戴那么选项C为什么就是正确的呢?

我们先来分析一下第一段句子间的关系:第一段共6句话,其中第三句是解释第二句的personal search agent。第二句提到他被这个网址上的个人搜索代理所吸引。第三句是解释说明personal search agent的特征的。文章中对应的说明Redmon找到工作的句子是第五句Three weeks later, he got his first notification of an opening。那他又是怎么找到工作的呢?在这里就是一个很明显的例子。我们把这些插入语句(第三句,也可以把第四句)删掉不看,整个句群就变成了:He searched it with no success but was attracted by the sites personal search agent. Three weeks later, he got his first notification of an opening.这样答案就非常明了了:他是通过 personal search agent 找到工作的,而选项C用a special service of a database替代了原文中的personal search agent,所以是正确答案。












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