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2014-08-05 | 网络

无偿献血 unpaid blood donation

五好家庭 Five-Virtues Family

下岗职工 unemployed workers and staff; laid-off employees

乡镇企业 township enterprises

学生减负 reduce students study load

严打斗争 strike-hard operation/campaign to crack down crimes

总体规划 overall plan

引进人才 bring in needed personnel

优抚安置 provide special assistance to entitled groups

创新型国家 innovation-oriented nation

低收入家庭 low-income household/family

服务型政府 service-oriented government

高层次人才 high-caliber personnel

高技能人才 highly skilled personnel

公用互联网 public Internet

固定电话网 fixed-line telephone network

简易过渡房 makeshift shelter

经济适用房 affordable housing

开放型经济 an open economy

科学发展观 scientific outlook on development

人口功能区 functional population zone

三八红旗手 March 8 Red Flag Bearer

下基层锻炼 temper oneself in a grassroots unit

移动通信网 mobile communication network

自觉排队日 Queuing-up Day

地方保护主义 regional protectionism

城市低收入者 low-income city dwellers

爱国统一战线 patriotic united front

坚持基本纲领 uphold the basic program

抗灾救灾工作 efforts to combat disasters and provide relief

平房改造工程 renovation project of shanty dwellings

人事制度改革 reform of personnel system

社会保障工作 social security work

社会保障体制 social security system

社会利益格局 interest of different social groups

社会信用体系 social credit system

社会转型时期 period of social transition

社会组织形式 the way society if organized

特色优势产业 industries with local advantages

贴小广告的人 bill sticker

增强道德观念 enhance ones moral awareness

重复建设项目 overlapping/ redundant project

住房制度改革 reform of housing system

自主创新能力 capacity for independent innovation

最低生活保障 subsistence allowance

农村富余劳动力 surplus rural labor

社会主义荣辱观 Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace

西部大开发战略 western development strategy

保障和改善民生 ensure the wellbeing of the people and improve their lives

粗放性增长方式 extensive mode of growth; inefficient model of growth

城乡社会救助体系 urban and rural emergency aid system

留守女士/留守男士 grass widow/widower

农村合作医疗制度 system of rural cooperative medical care

城乡公共就业与服务 urban and rural systems for providing public employment services

加强和改善宏观调控 improve macro control

社会主义核心价值观 core socialist values

《国家发展规划纲要》 Outline of the National Development Program

(农村)劳动力转移就业 (rural workers) find work in nonagricultural sectors

城镇职工基本养老保险制度 basic old-age insurance system for urban workers


China, by pursuing the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, is striving to become developed within 50 years.


For China, the first thing is to shake off poverty. To do that, we have to find a way to develop rapidly.


We have a huge population, a weak economic foundation and uneven development, our per capita GDP ranks fairly low among the countries in the world.


China, with the largest population in the world, also ranks first in agricultural population.


In spite of water shortages and with just 7 percent of the arable land on earth, China has to feed a quarter of the worlds population.


A very rough study of disparities in Chinas wealth will show that they accelerate too fast.


China has transferred from a country where economic equilibrium prevailed to one that exceeds the medium level of imbalance in wealth distribution n the world in a matter of only two decades.


The living standards of the people have registered a remarkable elevation. This is the upward movement in the broadest sense of the world.


In China, a pattern with the public sector remaining dominant and diverse sectors of the economy developing side by side has taken shape.


The living standards of farmers have kept rising. Most of them have enough food and clothing and quite a few are leading a moderately prosperous life.


Hong Kongs return to the motherland marks the great success of the concept of one country, two systems.


Over the past two decades and more, China has deepened the reform of its economic system, notably increased its overall national strength and steadily expanded its foreign economic cooperation and trade.


China is an East Asian country with a large territory, a huge population and a long history.


China has experienced far-reaching changes in the productive forces and the relations of production, as well as in the economic base and the superstructure.


A principal challenge to Chinese societys is the gap between the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people and the backward production.


Our 1.3 billion people account for about one-fifth of the worlds population.


China is not endowed with sufficient resources.


Free compulsory education made available to all rural students marks an important milestone in the history of the development of Chinas education.


During the past five years, great strides were made in carrying our reform and opening up and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and the productive forces and overall national strength were significantly improved.










【政策解读】各负其责 合力攻坚――解读《脱贫攻坚责任制实施办法》四大亮点



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