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2016-12-07 | 网络




41. One cause of the civil war was economic and political rivalry between the ____South and the industrial North.

A. prosperous B. cultivated

C. old-fashioned D. poorly organized

42. The sudden change of weather ____our holiday plan.

A. damaged B. destroyed C. sabotaged D. spoiled

43. Mary is as ____as a peacock and always wants to be the focus of attention.

A. beautiful B. smart C. slender D. vain

44. Can you find ____at the hotel for the night?

A. lodging B. accommodations C. places D. houses

45. The White House spokesman didnt____any details concerning the disarmament talk.

A. expose B. disclose C. enclose D. impart

46. That winter was quite long and farmers who had failed to store up enough ____for their cattle almost went bankrupt.

A. fodder B. food C. grass D. grain

47. Tension within a family is often relieved or eliminated when the family as a whole is threatened by ____ force.

A. internal B. external C. intensive D. extensive

48. On the top of some very high mountains snow____throughout the year.

A. insisted B. persevered C. persisted D. kept

49. The United States has some strange laws. For instance, the government permits cigarette companies to advertise their products in magazines and newspapers, yet it ____cigarette commercials on TV.

A. leaves B. allows C. demands D. bans

50. Really, Edwin is afraid of Angela, but the ____is also true: Angela is afraid of Edwin, too.

A. inversion B. insertion C. version D. reverse

51. The nurse was____caring for the sick and wounded in the war.

A. attributed to B. dedicated to

C. seen to D. attached to

52. To prove their theories, scientists must____an adequate amount of data as evidence.

A. stimulate B. reproduce C. reserve D. accumulate

53. Youd better hang up this oil-painting on that ____wall.

A. empty B. blank C. vacant D. bare

54. Lets put our heads together and I am sure that we will certainly find a (an) ____to the problem.

A. answer B. solution C. key D. way

55. Much to the students relief, the mid-term exam was ____.

A. let off B. taken off C. left off D. cut off

56. During the heavy fog in the city, the traffic ____.

A. came to a standstill B. came to an end

C. came to a conclusion D. came to no result

57. The story you told me the other day has yet to be____.

A. confessed B. confirmed C. conquered D. conformed

58. I am in no ____this evening to listen to popular music.

A. mood B. attitude C. tendency D. spirit

59. It is usually argued that the earliest influences ____up-children will most likely have the strongest effect on their personalities.

A. exerted B. exerting C. exercised D. exercising

60. Gathering of more than three persons were prohibited, supposedly in the name of ____.

A. the law and the order B. law and order

C. the order and the law D. order and law

61. It was____of you not to play the piano while your brother had a bad headache.

A. considerable B. considering

C. considered D. considerate

62. He failed once again in his experiment, but he didnt feel____.

A. frustrated B. encouraged

C. puzzled D. endangered

63. Try some of this tobacco. You will say its____.

A. second to none B. the second to none

C. best of none D. the best of none

64. ____every other member of the team, John wore an official uniform in the victory parade.

A. As B. Just as C. Like D. So

65. Supported by sufficient evidence, his argument seems to have a great deal of ____.

A. vividness B. validity

C. terminology D. propagation

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