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2014-08-20 | 网络

Should I lose some weight? How do I look in these clothes? Am I sexy enough?


Sound familiar? Youve probably heard your female friends or roommates asking themselves such questions while looking in the mirror. But its not just women who worry about their looks. Men are becoming more conscious of their body image, too. According to studies, more than 50 million men in the US have body image issues.


From a historical perspective, people have focused more on female body image because women are perceived to have more body image issues, Heather Hausenblas, a University of Florida psychologist, told NBCs Today morning TV show website. But thats not necessarily the case.


A survey by Today found that 53 percent of men said they felt insecure about their appearance at least once a week, and that they worried about their appearance more than about their health, family, relationships, or professional success.


Research by the American Psychological Association showed that 25 percent of men with a healthy weight think they are underweight. This is related to a condition called muscle dysmorphia, or bigorexia, in which a person is obsessed with the idea that they are not muscular enough.


Millennial men, those born after 1980, are particularly at risk of such problems, which can lead to depression, low self-esteem, excessive exercising, misuse of body-enhancing drugs such as steroids, and eating disorders.


But what is causing body image dissatisfaction among men? The reason is that the cultural expectation for mens bodies, as portrayed in the entertainment industry, has evolved to unrealistic standards over the last few decades. From magazine covers and music videos to movies such as 300, men are constantly exposed to ideal representations of the male body that are nearly impossible to attain.


George Gerbner, founder of the Cultural Indicators Research Project and former dean of communications at the University of Pennsylvania, told Seed magazine that What we see on TV and in magazines eventually becomes our standard of reality and desire; failing to meet it is perceived asdeficiency.


San Francisco State University psychologist Deborah Schooler added that People see the same images over and over and start to believe its a version of reality. If those bodies are real and thats possible, but you cant attain it, how can you not feel bad about your own body?


Writing for The Huffington Post, freelance writer Kate Fridkis used the example of a Marvel Comics superhero: In the Captain America story, we fairly cheer when the slender, delicate hero is transformed into a strapping, muscle-bound fighting machine. He can save the world now, because hes jacked. Before, there was no chance. He had to switch bodies to succeed.













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