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2017-03-10 | 网络
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2017中国移动校园招聘笔试经验分享 2017中国移动校园招聘面试形式及技巧




Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

More than a century ago, the relationship between glacial ice and the amount of water in the ocean basins was first seen. When the great ice sheet covered vast land areas, the sea level was lowered because the normal return of water from land to the ocean was reduced. As a result, the sea level rose as Ice Age glaciers melted allowing the melted waters to flow into the ocean. If all the glacial ice on the surface of the earth today should melt, the sea level might rise by more than 150 feet. Shoreline variations are also produced through elevation or depression of the land. During times of glacier formations the great weight of the ice slowly depressed the earths crust. Removal of the weight through glacier melting allowed the slow return of the crust to its former position. Changes in the Great Ice climates from cool and wet to warm and dry produced climate changes far from the glaciated area. For example, at times of cool-wet glacial climates, levels of inland lakes rose, in contrast to the depression of sea level. During the warm-dry interglacial climates, lake levels were lowered. The ancient lake Bonneville, largest of the glacial lakes in Western United States, once covered more than 20,000 square miles. It had a maximum depth of more than 1,000 feet. Great Salt Lake in Utah is the shrunken remnant of this once large lake.

Although the first time that early man walked on the earth is uncertain, he is largely a product of the Great Ice Age. Present information shows that during this time he evolved rapidly both physically and culturally. His most primitive tools and skeletal remains have been found in some of the oldest deposits contemporary with the Great Ice Age in Africa, Asia and Europe. These are often associated with remains of extinct animals. With the disappearance of the great ice sheets, the Bronze and Iron Age cultures evolved. About this time many animals suited to cooler climates died.

Although much remains to be learned, the story of the Great Ice Age is being unfolded through the efforts of specialists in many fields. Recording field observation, new theories and methods, and worldwide studies of existing glaciers are bringing a clearer understanding of the Great Ice Age.

6. Which of the following is NOT implied in the passage?

A. Man has a lot more to learn about the Great Ice Age.

B. The art of making tools was instrumental in bringing about the evolution of human brain.

C. Many species were not suited to the warmer climates of the Bronze and Iron Age.

D. The relationship between glacial ice and the amount of water in the ocean basins was not seen until more than a hundred years ago.

7. According to the article, which of the following will induce the depression of sea level?

A. formation of great masses of ice sheet on the land

B. precipitation

C. shoreline variations

D. the advent of warm-dry interglacial climates

8. Why does the author cite the example of the Great Salt Lake in Utah?

A. to show that it is a lake created in the Great Ice Age

B. to show that it once was the largest lake in the United States

C. to show that it evolved from the Bronze and Iron Age

D. to show that it is what remained of the once large lake Bonneville

9. Which of the following can be learned about early man based on the information provided in the passage?

A. The exact time of his appearance on the Earth is uncertain.

B. He evolved rapidly physically and culturally during the Bronze and Iron Age.

C. The ability to make primitive tools distinguished man from other animals.

D. Early man lived mainly on animals hunted.

10. The best source of information about the Great Ice Age is obtained from _____.

A. rock formations

B. fossil remains

C. primitive tools used by early man

D. Antarcticas ancient glacier


6. B。工具的制造对人脑的进化起到了至关重要的作用,这一点并未在文中提到。

7. A。文中开头提到当大片的陆地面积被冰所覆盖时,因为注入海洋的地表径流量减少,使得海平面下降。

8. D。作者在第一段的结尾处举大盐湖的例子是为了说明它是一度覆盖2000平方英里的波那维尔湖因为在间冰期的温暖干燥时期湖面下降而逐渐缩小面积而形成的。

9. A。文中第二段的开头指出,人类最初出现在地球上的时间还不能最后确定。

10. C。文中第二段指出,发现的人类在冰河时代的工具和人骨可以帮助人们对冰河时代的情况有更多的了解。













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