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北京 上海 山东 江苏 浙江 安徽 吉林 福建 广东 广西 海南 天津 河北 黑龙江 山西 甘肃 湖北 湖南 河南 四川 重庆 云南 贵州 西藏 宁夏 新疆 青海 陕西 辽宁 江西 内蒙古


2014-08-01 | 网络


managerial know-how 管理专门知识

mandatory plan 指令性计划

margins desired 期望的毛利

market demand price 市场需求价格

marketing channel 销售渠道,市场渠道

market regulation 市场调节

market value method 市价法

medium-sized enterprise 中型企业

merchandise inventory 商品库存

mild inflation 温和通货膨胀

negative growth 负增长

non-core business 非主营业务

non-performing loan 不良贷款

outbound/overseas investment 海外投资

petrol chemistry 石油化工

property right market 产权市场

public financing rate 财政

purchasing power parity 购买力平价法

qualitative analysis 定性分析

quality guarantee 质量保证

quantitative analysis 定量分析

rate of return on equity 股本收益率

risk investment/ venture capital 风险投资

sellers market 卖方市场

social benefits/returns 社会效益

start-up company 新兴企业

state revenue 财政收入

sub-prime crisis 次贷危机

tax reduction and exemption 减免税收

the globalization of capital 资本的全球化

the Great Depression 经济大萧条

The Internet of Things 物联网

the law of demand/supply 需求/供应定律

the linkage system between the US dollar and the HK dollar 港币的联系汇率制

the primary/secondary/tertiary industry (the service sector) 第一/第二/第三产业

the real economy 实体经济

the sub-prime mortgage market 房产次贷抵押市场

tighten the money supply 紧缩银根

total volume of retail sales of consumer goods 社会消费品零售总额

total volume of retail sales 社会商品零售总额

trade barrier 贸易障碍

trademark registration 商标注册

Lower export demand and reduced foreign direct investment are more likely to hit urban jobs harder.


Some developing countries are struggling with the fact that money transfers sent from migrants back home have declined substantially, causing the loss of foreign exchange and household income.

一些发展中 家正面临这样一个事实,外出务工人员汇回家的钱大幅养活,造成外汇和家庭收入损失。

Unlike previous crises, developing countries have less room to adjust to the deteriorating economic conditions.


The economic crisis also comes on the heel of the food and fuel crisis.


Hunger and poverty often compel the poor to overexploit the resources on which their own livelihoods depend.


It would be confronted with the bottleneck affecting the sustainable development at certain stage of its economic development.


A resurgent American economy would do more to restore the confidence of the world in its own future than anything else.


Stock and commodity markets have been rattled.


Economic growth has averaged about 9% a year.


These measures are widely used to promote the local economy.


They manufacture products at the price of land, resources, environment and sustainability.


Capital continually circulates in search of maximum investment opportunities.


Net profit is the most important figure for working out if a company is healthy or not.


The economy is still in a recession.


The economic globalization has become an irreversible historical trend.


The information-based new economy represented by the Internet economy is advancing vibrantly.


The enormous vitality and promising future of the new economy has caught attention from the governments and enterprises of all countries around the world since it is regarded as a new growth point for the world economy.


Developed countries, with their strong economic strength and technological advantages, has taken the lead in grasping the growth opportunities generated from the new economy.


The economic foundation is far from being sound, and the current situation remains severe.


This contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.


The more dynamism there is in an economy, the greater the opportunity.


A much more positive kind of competition could emerge if managers thought about strategy in the right way.


Many economists and marketing gurus predict a rosy season for online shopping.


The price of gold surged ahead on Friday, but dropped back when business resumed on Monday.


Even so, the job creation could not keep pace with the surge in the labor force.


保持发展后劲 bring about a sustainable development

保持国有股 keep the state-held shares

并购 merger acquisition

财政收入 fiscal revenue

仓储式超市 stockroom-style/warehouse-type supermarket

产权制度改革 reform of property rights system

产销直接挂钩 directly link production with marketing

产为的升级换代 upgrading of industries

产业结构调整 industrial restructuring

低碳经济 low-carbon economy

地方保护主义 regional protectionism

地方财政预算 local government budgets

调整改组国有企业 readjust and reorganize state-owned enterprises

对外开放广度和深度 opening up in scope and depth

多种经济成分 diverse sectors of the economy

非公有制经济 non-public sectors of the economy

费改税 transform administrating fees into taxes

个体户 the self-employed

个体、私营经济 self-employed and other private businesses/private economy

股权分置改革 reform of listing non-tradable shares of listed companies

骨干企业 backbone/key enterprise

固定资产重估 reevaluation of fixed system

规范税制 standardize the tax system

规模经济 scale economy; economy of scale

国际收支状况 balance of payments

《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》 Outline of the National Program for Long- and Medium Term Scientific and Technological Development

国民经济的支柱 mainstay of the national economy

国民经济的综合平衡 overall balance in national economy

国民经济信息化 informationize the national economy

国民经济支柱产业 pillar industry in national economy

国有资本经营预算制度 budget system for managing state capital

国有资产流失 loss/erosion of state assets

合同管理制 contract management system

即期消费 immediate consumption

集体经济、合作经济 collective and cooperative sectors of the economy

集约经济 intensive economy

技改项目 technological upgrading projects

假日经济 holiday economy

健全项目法人责任制 system of holding the legal person responsible for projects

经济不发达地区 economically underdeveloped areas

经济发展后劲 future economic growth









2017陕西公务员考试申论范文点评:建设绿色农村 摘掉脏穷土三顶帽子



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