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2016-04-25 | 网络


东西对话 East-West dialogue

冻雨 freezing rain (Icy weather and freezing rain continue to batter five regions across South China. The wild weather has caused chaos to power facilities and expressways, and disrupted local residents lives. 冰冷天气和冻雨将继续侵袭南方的五个地区。极端天气已经引起电力设施和高速公路的混乱,扰乱了当地居民的生活。)

动车组 bullet train (Bullet trains, with bullet-shaped locomotives, are designed based on aerodynamic theories, allowing the train to run at a high speed. China launched its first batch of homemade bullet trains on April 18, which can run at 200 kilometers per hour.) 豆腐渣工程 jerry-built project

斗牛士 bullfighter

豆腐脑 jellied bean curd

逗留 sojourn (The 50 Chinese children from quake-hit area had a wonderful summer sojourn in Hungary for seeking solace and mental recovery. 来自地震灾区的50名儿童今夏在匈牙利度过了愉快暑假,心智创伤得到恢复。)

都市圈 metropolis circle (The Yangtze River delta area metropolis circle is expected to take over the Tokyo metropolis circle as the worlds largest one around 2018, according to a report released in Shanghai Tuesday. 9月23日在上海发表的《2007中国都市圈评价报告》显示,到2018年左右,长三角都市圈将有望赶上东京都市圈,成为世界上的第一大都市圈。)

独家代理 exclusive agency

度假外交 holiday-making diplomacy

独家新闻 scoop

独立董事 independent director

独立关税区 separate customs territory

独立国家联合体(独联体) the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

独立核算工业企业 independent accounting enterprise

独立自主自办的原则 principle of independence and self-governance

杜鲁门主义 Truman Doctrine

毒骡 drug mule (More Chinese women duped to bedrug mules--Foreign drug traffickers are duping an increasing number of Chinese women, especially young victims, into carrying drugs into China, the General Administration of Customs (GAC) has said. 更多的中国妇女受骗成毒骡海关总署表示,越来越多的中国妇女,特别是年轻女子,受外国毒贩的诱骗后将毒品带进中国。)

独苗 the only son or daughter; the only child

独生子女 the only child in ones family

毒枭 drug trafficker

独资经营 single-investor enterprise; sole proprietorship enterprise; sole investment enterprise

断档 severed shelf; sold out

断电 power outage (Unusually cold weather and the resulting soaring energy consumption for heating have caused power outages and shortages of natural gas in parts of central and eastern China. 异常寒冷的天气和随之而来热能消耗的剧增导致华中和华东部分地区断电和天然气的短缺。)

断交信 Dear John letter (from woman to man)

断码 short in size

短期放款 money at call and short notice端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival

短线产品 products in short supply; goods in short supply

短信 short messages; text messages

短信博士 texting PhD (A postgraduate in the UK has been awarded what is thought to be the countrys first texting PhD . Dr Caroline Tagg, 33, spent three-and-a-half years tapping out an 80000-word thesis about SMS texts and its language at Birmingham University. 英国一名女研究生因研究手机短信日前被授予博士学位,她被认为是该国第一位短信博士。此人名叫卡洛琳塔格,今年33岁,她花了3年半时间在伯明翰大学做短信研究,并写出了8万字的论文。)

断章取义 quote ones words out of context

短期工作实习 internship

短租房 short-term housing, short-term apartment (Despite the quickly-approaching Olympic Games, the cost for short-term housing near the Birds Nest during the Games has plummeted as much as 50%, with room for negotiation, according to statistics. An oversupply of short-term apartments and the red-hot hotel reservation service are the major reasons for the sharp decrease, a real estate agent said. 数据显示,随着奥运会的临近,鸟巢附近的奥运短租房月租价格不但没有上升,反而大幅度下降,跌幅普遍达到50%,且价格还可以再商量。房产中介称,目前这种短租房的租金价格大幅下跌是因为供大于求,而酒店预订则相对火热。)

对冲基金 hedge fund

对等开放 reciprocal opening

对方付费电话 collect call

对...毫无顾忌 make no bones about ...

对话和合作 dialogue and co-operation

对奖活动 raffle

对讲机 talkie and walkie

对抗性矛盾 antagonistic contradiction

对口味 suit ones taste

对口支援 partner assistance (The new partner assistance model in Xinjiang has been copied from the Wenchuan earthquake recovery model. Xinjiang will receive more than 10 billion yuan in economic aid next year from its 19 partners. 即将实施的对新疆的对口支援模式借鉴了汶川灾后重建的模式。新疆明年将收到19个援建省市提供的超过100亿元经济援助。)

对内搞活,对外开放 revitalize domestic economy, open up to the outside world

对牛弹琴 play the harp( (lute) to a cow; cast pearls before a swine

对外经济技术交流 economic and technological exchanges with the outside world

对外招商 attract foreign investment

兑现承诺 make good on the promise

队长袖标(足球) skippers armband

对种粮农民实行直接补贴 directly subsidize grain producers

对中西部地区适当倾斜 appropriately directed to the central and western areas of the country对抗或强制 confrontation or coercion

对人民币重新估值 revaluation of the Renminbi

独立董事制度 the independent director system

独立学院(大学中的) independent college

蹲点 (of cadres) stay at a selected grass-roots spot (for investigation and study)

蹲点跑面 gain experience in selected spots and then spread it over the whole area

敦煌石窟 Dunhuang Grottoes

多边贸易谈判 multilateral trade negotiation

多边贸易谈判 multilateral trade talks

多边贸易体制 the multilateral trading system

多边政策 multilateralism

夺标 win the championship

多层次资本市场体系 the multi-layer capital market system

多重国籍 plural nationality; multiple nationality

多党合作制 multi-party cooperation in exercising state power

多党合作和政治协商制度 the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation

多碟DVD multidisc DVD player

多功能汽车 multi-purpose vehicle (MPV)

多功能性(农业) multifunctionality

夺冠 take the crown

多(跨)国公司 multinational companies

多国维持和平部队 multinational peach-keeping force

多极化 multi-polarization

多极时代 multi-polar times

多极世界 multi-polar world多极性 multi-polarized

多劳多得 more pay for more work

躲猫猫 hide-and-seek game (An inquiry team including 5 people representative of Chinas netizens arrived at the Jinning Public Security Bureau, Yunnan, Friday morning for an investigation into Li Qiaomings dying hide-and-seek game in prison. 周五上午,5位网民代表组成的一个调查组赴云南晋宁公安局,调查李乔明所谓狱中躲猫猫致死真相。)

多媒体 multimedia

多媒体短信服务 MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service)

多年积累的深层次问题 long-standing and deep-seated problems

多任务小卫星 small multi-mission satellite (SMMS)

多头市场 bull market

多头账户 long account

多头执法 duplicate law enforcement

多退少补 refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for any deficiency

多元化 pluralism

多元社会 pluralistic society

多元文化社会 multi-cultural society

多种经济成分 diverse sectors of the economy

多种经营 diversified economy

多边贸易 multilateral trade

多予少取放活政策 the policy of giving more, taking less and loosening control

多种所有制经济共同发展 allow diverse forms of ownership to develop side by side

杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds

渎职 dereliction of duty














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