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2016-04-23 | 网络


1. It is sometimes beset with 有时候会有的境遇/会有相伴

2. Nothing short of a can help 唯有才能/全靠才能够

3. Rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles. 一泻千里

4. Fare likewise. 正如这样

5. Now , now 有时,有时

6. Better able to generate in oneself a sensation of 更能让人产生一种之感

7. is now confronted with a section of its course. 现在正遭遇进程上的一段

8. , however, can only be shared by 而,只有样的人才可体会到

9. The present crisis can never obstacle the advance of 目前的危机绝不会阻碍的进步

10. Let us brace up our spirits and march through 让我们鼓起雄健的精神

11. The greatest joy of , is to during its most difficult days. 在最艰难的日子里,亦是最大的乐趣

12. Grow restless 变得焦躁不安 Beg to differ 恕不同意/持反对意见

13. Dash here and there in search of 跑来跑去的寻找

14. He is going to so that he could 他决定以便

15. is not groundless because 并非空害怕/没依据,因为

16. Keep moving around in a hurry 慌慌张张地走/跑

17. Whats the rush? 为何这般慌?/怎么这么着急?

18. Behind lay half a dozen of near 注意学习地理方位和位置的表述

19. look like rain, yet, to our great joy [口语]像是要下雨,然而让我们高兴的是

20. which of you could 你们谁能?(别用who了,太土了!!)

21. they are most beloved in one aspect. 有一点最受人爱/有一点最为可贵

22. Unlike , which , it just to 不像的一样,它只是,来

23. You can never immediately tell whether or not it until 你不能立刻判断它是否,非得等到

24. One should be useful rather than great or nice-looking. 应该成为有用的人,而不是伟大或体面的人

25. Engraved in my mind. 深深地刻在脑海

26. is a household name all over the country. 是家喻户晓/名遍全国的。

27. is always on the lips because 把天天挂在嘴上,因为

28. Whats the use of being 又有什么用/有什么必要呢?

29. Uttered intermittently. 断断续续地说

30. Never calculating or particular about personal gains and losses. 不计较个人得失

31. Honor with a posthumous reverent 追授一个的谥号/称号

32. Become more and more with the passing of time. 随着时间的流逝变得越来越/越久越

33. Never give up the pursuit of 不要放弃 / 不要放弃对的追求

34. Out of sheer necessity. 仅仅为了需要 / 纯粹因为需要

35. Be free to follow your own bent. 可以依自己的喜好去 / 自由自在地去追求自己的喜好

36. Be in the prime of life. 正当盛年 / 年富力强

37. will soon be gone never to return. 一去不复返。

38. Be in ones declining years. 风烛残年 / 精力衰微之时

39. As a means of subsistence. 作为生计 / 为了吃饭 / 作为谋生的手段

40. Remedy the situation by 用来补救

41. Come up against the urgent problem of 问题急需解决

42. How can one manage to while 人怎么能在的同时还呢?

43. Cut down on food and clothing and do everything possible to 节衣缩食想尽办法去

44. Time is no object. 时间不是问题。

45. will be quite enough to make a 足够让一个成为了

46. The choice lies with you. 选择权在你们手里。

47. Henrik Ibsen says, it is your supreme duty to cast yourself into a useful implement.


48. Forsake , and you will ruin yourself. 抛弃, 你便毁了你自己。

49. To go into scholarship, to engage in learning. 做学问

50. the only things of some value under my roof, if any, are 在我屋子里唯一贵重的东西就是

51. Entertain ambition of making a profound study of 怀有对做一番高深研究的野心

52. It seemed that can better satisfy than 比更能满足的需要

53. At one sitting. 一口气地

54. It is completely subjected to the whims of the moment. 全凭当时的兴趣和念头。

55. Liken myself respectively to 把我自己比作

56. Thread-bound Chinese book. 线装书

57. My obsession of have been very much on a decline. 我对的狂热/着迷消除了不少。

58. To eat into ones whole pocket. 花掉某人所有的钱。

59. But not all acquaintances are friends. 不是所有认识的都是朋友。

60. Have more scruples about this and that. 对身边的一切都有更多的顾虑。

61. We each followed a different course of life. 我们各自过着不同的生活。

62. Be bound to. 必然,一定会。 Somehow or other. 设法,莫名其妙地

63. of bygone days will unfold again before ones eyes. 过去的又重新浮现在某人眼前。

64. In bloom of ones youth. 在某人盛年的时候 / 在生命中最华美的时刻

65. Unwittingly 不知不觉地,无意识地

66. Fritter away. 渐渐地消失 / 慢慢地消耗 / 一点点地浪费

67. In twos and threes. 三三两两,零零星星

68. Negotiate shoals and reefs / deserts and gorges 跋涉(越过)礁石浅滩 / 荒漠峡谷

69. Be reduced to as the last resort. 被逼到做的地步,被迫干为生

70. Foot passenger. 步行的人,行人

71. It stands to reason that 也是合情合理的/显而易见的

72. Can ill afford to do something. 无法承受

73. If it is beyond ones capacity to single-handedly stem the prevailing of social evils, one should at least be self-disciplined so as not to make matters worse.

74. Pedantic view of bookish person. 酸腐的书生之见

75. Cool your heels。 坐冷板凳,空等

76. All that kills my idea of 那足以让我打消的念头

77. A good man always enjoys Heavens protection. 吉人天相

78. Misfortune never comes singly 祸不单行

79. Heaven always leaves one a way out. 天无绝人之路

80. Be in reduced circumstance. 每况愈下 / 光景惨淡

81. After some wavering, 犹豫一阵之后 / 犹豫不决了一阵

82. Talk somebody out of it(something), 劝说某人不做某事

83. Smart aleck 自作聪明的人/ 自作聪明的

84. Chip in 插嘴,打断,捐助,出钱 stroll about 游逛,游荡,闲游

85. Be watchful on the way, 路上警惕些,旅途当心

86. It is certainly no problem for a person of my age to

对于我这样年纪 / 我这么大的人来说,是没问题的

87. A strenuous job: 紧张的/费力的/艰苦的差使

88. Skullcap 无沿小帽,圆帽 Mandarin jacket 马褂 cotton-padded 填充棉絮的

89. Huddle up 蜷缩,挤成一团 Corpulent 肥胖的

90. Gush from涌出,不断流出 trickle 滴,淌,细流 ooze 渗出,淌出

91. Make an enormous exertion to 尽全力做

92. Pat the dirt off ones clothes 拍去/掸去身上的尘土

93. until his figure was lost among crowds of people hurrying to and fro and no longer visible. 直到他的身影消失在来往的人群中,再也遍寻不见了。

94. live an unsettled life. 过着颠簸不定的日子 / 东奔西走

95. with circumstances going from bad to worse. 一日不如一日 / 每况愈下

96. His pent-up emotion has to find a vent. 情郁于中,自然要发之于外。

97. the state of filled somebody with a feeling of 的境况让人

98. downcast 沮丧,颓废,颓唐

99. domestic triviality = household chores 家庭琐事 long gown 长袍,长衫

100. Frown upon the way 不赞同的方式 / 对的方式颇有微词













2017陕西公务员考试申论范文:释放政策红利t 改革惠及民生

推荐栏目阅读 考研 备考资料 考研专硕

行测 申论 面试

