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2016-12-07 | 网络




41. If you____ that late movie last night, you wouldnt be sleepy.

A. havent watched B. didnt watched

C. hadnt watched D. wouldnt have watched

42. Anna refused to____the car keys to her husband until he had promised to wear his safety belt.

A. hand in B. hand out

C. hand down D. hand over

43. He is already on the wrong side of forties.

Its about time he ____himself a wife and settled down.

A. finds B. should find

C. found D. had found

44. We find the book quite____: it provides us with an abundance of information on western music.

A. distracting B. enlightening

C. amusing D. confusing

45. It is necessary that an efficient worker____his work on time.

A. accomplishes B. can accomplish

C. accomplish D. has accomplished

46. Dogs are often praised for their____; they almost never abandon their masters.

A. truthfulness B. loyalty

C. trust D. faith

47. How did James Bond escape from the locked confine?

Oh, you know he always manages ____a tight situation.

A. to get out of B. getting out of

C. to have got him out of D. in getting out of

48. The scientific group is carrying out a research focused on a drug which is so____as to be able to change brain chemistry.

A. powerful B. influential

C. monstrous D. vigorous

49. The boss of the company has always attended to the ____of important business himself.

A. transaction B. stimulation

C. transition D. solution

50. He ordered the work ____.

A. started at once B. to be started at once

C. to start at once D. at once start

51. What seems confusing and fragmented at first might well become____a third time.

A. notable and systematic B. clear and organic

C. clean and measurable D. pure and wholesome

52. They failed to pass the exam last time; I regretted ____.

A. to be not able to help

B. being unable to help

C. being not able to helping

D. not be able to help

53. At a press conference after the Oscar Award ceremony, the 18-year-old girl spoke in a barely____ voice.

A. identical B. legible

C. optional D. audible

54. All ____is a continuous supply of fuel oil.

A. what is needed B. that is needed

C. the thing needed D. for their needs

55. Today dozens of scientific group in different countries have been____the goal of a practical and economic way to use sunlight to split water molecules.

A. reaching B. winning

C. chasing D. pursuing

56. You said the books were on the desk, but ____there.

A. there was no one

B. there were none

C. there were no ones

D. was none

57. Before the project was started, we asked the designer to give us an____of the cost of building such a museum.

A. estimate B. evaluation

C. assessment D. announcement

58. From the top of the building, we can see the bridge____construction.

A. by B. in

C. under D. below

59. When did Gertrude finally get to the theatre?

Just before the end of ____.

A. the act second B. act second

C. Act Two D. the act two

60. Though he views himself as a realist, Michael says that his findings make him very ____about future.

A. optimistic B. objective

C. precautious D. sympathetic

61. Have you flown very much?

As a matter of fact, this trip is ____.

A. my first B. the first to me

C. the first one of mine D. my one to be the first

62. In Boston, as in the rest of the United States, ____ schooling begins at age 5 and ends at 16.

A. oblidged B. compulsory

C. compelling D. forced

63. Lets take a walk before we start to study.

Oh, I think its ____ for walking.

A. much too hot B. very much hot

C. too much heat D. very much heat

64. China started its space industry only in recent years, and should____ no time in catching up.

A. delay B. lag

C. lessen D. lose

65. Its quite late now and Mr. White____hasnt left his office.

A. still B. already

C. since D. yet

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