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2014-07-07 | 网络

二、时态一致(Tense Agreement)



例句: Darwin was convinced that loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character. (2008年第50题)

分析: 该句是复合句,主干结构为Darwin was convinced that...。宾语从句中有not only...but...引导的并列结构;短语be injurious to的意思是对产生危害,有害。

译文: 达尔文确信,没有了这些爱好不只是少了乐趣,而且可能会有损于一个人的思维能力,更有可能导致一个人道德品质的下降。

例句: Publication of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a storm of media protest when he said the interpretation of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges rather than to Parliament. (选自2001年Cloze Test)

分析: 该句是复合句。在when引导的从句中,the interpretation of privacy controls...作said的宾语;过去分词短语contained in European作后置定语修饰the interpretation;主句部分为publication of the letter came;另一从句中的主语Lord Irvine与he同指一人。

译文: 艾尔文爵士曾声称,对于欧洲法律中所包含的隐私监督条款的解释工作将交由法官而非议会处理。此言一出,立即引起媒体的强烈抗议。两天后,他的信公开发表。


1. 从句表示一个客观真理、一个人或物的经常性特点。

例句: The speaker claimed that no other modern nation devotes so small a portion of its wealth to public assistance and health as the United States does.

分析: 该句是复合句。claimed后接一宾语从句,其中not so...as意为再没有比更的了。

译文: 那位演讲者声称,没有哪个现代化国家像美国那样在公共援助和保健事业方面投入的财富比例如此之小。

2. 从句中有表示绝对过去的时间状语。

例句: Several international events in the early 1990s seem likely to reverse, or at least weaken,the trends that emerged in the 1980s. (1998年第36题)

分析: 该句是复合句,主句部分为Several international events...seem likely to reserve,or at least...the trends;定语从句that emerged in the 1980s修饰the trends。

译文: 20世纪90年代初期发生的若干国际事件似乎有可能使80年代出现的趋势逆转或 至少是受到削弱。

例句: Specialists in history and economics have shown two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was marked by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace. (选自1998年Cloze Test)

分析: 该句是复合句,冒号后的两个并列句是前面two things的进一步解释说明,作其同位语,在后一分句中有两个并列谓语。

译文: 历史学和经济学方面的专家已证明了两件事: 从1650年到1750年期间以极度贫 困为特征,而工业化当然没有使这种状况恶化,事实上可能改善了大多数平民的生活条件。

3. 说话者强调动作正在进行或将要发生。

例句: The staff of the airport I met at the lounge just now told me the plane I will take leaves at nine.

分析: 该句是复合句,定语从句I met和I will take前分别省略了whom和which/that。

译文: 刚才在休息室碰到的一位机场工作人员说我将乘坐的那趟航班9点起飞。


例句: Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which, in its strongest form, states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society. (2004年第65题)

分析: 该句是复合句,全句的主句为Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism。which引导的定语从句修饰determinism;定语从句中的谓语动词states后连接两个由that引导的宾语从句。

译文: 沃尔夫开始相信某种语言决定论,这种理论坚定地认为语言束缚思维,一种语言的语法模式会对一个社会的文化产生深远的影响。

例句: If railroads charged all customers the same average rate, they argue, shippers who have the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation would do so, leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping up the line. (选自2003年Text 3)

分析: 该句是复合句。they argue是插入语;who引导的定语从句修饰shippers;分词短语 leaving remaining customers to...在句中作状语表示结果。

译文: 他们认为,如果铁路部门对所有客户都平均收费,那么可以转而选择卡车或其他运输方式的客户就会那么做。这样一来,剩余的客户就要承担维持铁路经营成本的费用。


例句: She used to be much more irritable than she is now.

译文: 她过去比现在更容易发火。

例句: There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than exists in the public mind today.

分析: 该句是复合句。其中than后的比较状语从句中省略了相同部分there,全句应该为 There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than there exists in the public mind today。

译文: 觉察到患癌的危险不应像现在这样在公众中造成过多的忧虑。












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