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2014-11-04 | 网络

Terror inCanada


Losing your immunity


Attacks on soldiers in a mainly tranquil land stir talkof global action against terror


IT WAS a sombre Stephen Harper who addressed Canadians on October 22nd. A lone gunmanhad fatally shot a young soldier standing guard at the National War Memorial in thecapital,Ottawa, and then entered Canadas parliament building where he was killed. The primeminister linked the shooting to the murder earlier in the week of another Canadian soldier. Both,he said, were a grim reminder that Canadais not immune to the type of terrorist attacks seenaround the world.


His government would redouble its efforts to work with its allies in fighting terroristorganisations abroad, the Conservative prime minister vowed. It would also take all thenecessary steps to identify and counter threats at home.


In fact, this was not the first time Canadas parliament had been a target, nor was it the biggestterrorist attack in the countrys history. An inept bomber intent on killing as many MPs aspossible blew himself up in the same building in 1966, and an armed man hijacked a bus andfired shots outside parliament in 1989. The 1985 bombing of an Air India flight to London fromToronto, in which 329 people died, remains the largest terror attack originating inCanada.


But two things gave this weeks strike added impact. It badly frightened MPs, most of whomhad gathered for weekly caucus meetings in rooms on either side of the corridor where thegunman exchanged fire with security officers. They used furniture to construct makeshiftbarricades and had to remain shut away for hours. Second, it took place amid a heated debateover the Conservative governments decision to increase anti-terrorist powers at home and tojoin the military campaign led by the United States against Islamic State in Iraq.


Mr Harper chose to interpret the shooting as part of a broader bid by terrorist groups to bringtheir savagery to our shores. Missives from his office after the attack underlined thismessage. He had telephone conversations with President Barack Obama, and with BinyaminNetanyahu and Tony Abbott, the prime ministers of Israel and Australia. John Baird, the foreignminister, took up the theme of global solidarity against terror: he said in a tweet that he hadtold John Kerry,Americas secretary of state, This is why were with you. This only makes ourresolve stronger.


It was unclear as The Economist went to press whether the gunman, a Canadian namedMichael Zehaf-Bibeau, had links to any terrorist group, but he was described by a person whomet him at a mosque in British Columbia as having a disturbing side, suggesting mental-health problems. Nor was there any sign of a link to Martin Couture-Rouleau, shot dead bypolice on October 20th after he struck two soldiers with his car, killing one, near a militaryacademy in Quebec. Mr Couture-Rouleau was under sporadic surveillance and his passporthad been seized because he was one of an estimated 130 Canadians whom the securityservices suspected of terrorist leanings. Mr Zehaf-Bibeau had also been barred from travelling.

在《经济学人》付印时,我们还不能确定那位名叫迈克尔泽哈夫比博的加拿大枪手是否与某一个恐怖组织有关,不过,据一个在不列颠哥伦比亚省清真寺见过他的人描述,他是一个令人不安的人,可能患有心理疾病。同时,也没有证据表示该枪手与Martin Couture-Rouleau有联系。10月20日,在魁北克附近的军事学院,Martin Couture-Rouleau开着车向两名士兵开枪,并最终被击毙。Couture-Rouleau先生现在被不定时地监视着,并且被没收了护照,因为安全服务部认为有130个加拿大人有恐怖主义领导人的嫌疑,而他是其中之一。Zehaf-Bibeau先生也被中断了旅行。

The two main opposition leaders, Thomas Mulcair of the New Democrats and Justin Trudeau ofthe Liberals, avoided making any political hay out of the incident, and neither posited anytheory about a terrorist plot. We woke up this morning in a country blessed by love, diversityand peace, and tomorrow we will do the same, said Mr Mulcair, leader of the official opposition.Mr Trudeau referred to the gunman as a criminal and said that Canada was a nation offairness, justice and the rule of law, and should not be intimidated into changing that.

两大对立政党的领导人,新民主党的Thomas Mulcair和自由党的贾斯汀特鲁多,都没有利用这次事件来达到什么政治目的,同时也没有提出任何有关恐怖阴谋的理论。今天,我们在一个充满爱、多样性和和平的国度里醒来,明天我们仍会如此。官方反对党领袖Mulcair先生这样说道。特鲁多先生认为枪手是一名罪犯,并说加拿大是一个公平、正义和法制的国家,不应该因为畏惧而改变这一点。

Yet intimidation seemed contagious. Legislatures across the country boosted security, as didsome large cities like Toronto. An ice-hockey game scheduled for October 22nd in Ottawabetween two National Hockey League teams was cancelled. In the province of Quebec, soldierswere warned they could be targets and should avoid wearing their uniforms when off duty.


Such an atmosphere will make it easier for the government to pass counterterrorism legislationwhich would give the Canadian Security Intelligence Service a freer hand to pursueinvestigations and work with foreign counterparts. Yet that will not deal with one immediateproblem revealed by the gunmansecurity in the parliamentary precinct. In the days ahead,the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the national force responsible for guarding Parliament Hill,will have to explain how it was possible for an armed man to walk across the lawn in broaddaylight and gain access unhindered into Canadas seat of government. It should surely bepossible to prevent that without a draconian regime.



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