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2014-11-28 | 网络

1) According to/In the opinion(eye) of/From the viewpoint of some (those) people,the issue in question is

(e.g.In the opinion of some old people,traditional modes of thought are the touchstone by which to tell good from bad.)

2) Hit (Confronted/Faced/Seized/Stuck/Haunted/Cursed/Overcome/Infatuated) with,some people tend to

(e.g.Haunted with sad memories,some people are apt to take a gloomy view on life.)

3) In (the) event (face/case/course/time/view) of,some people usually

(e.g.In the course of human struggle for survival,quite a few people always direct their eyes to its dark side.)

4) As is stated (shown/suggested/listed/illustrated) in/According to a recent (the latest) report (survey/quetionaire/study/scientific research),the issue in question really(there are quite a lot of people who)

(e.g.As is shown in a recent questionaire,there are a large number of people who express greater dissatisfaction than satisfaction at the general mood of society.)

5) In our daily life (activities/social contact)/In reality/Actually,man y people respond/react to the issue in question by

(e.g.In reality,most people respond to evil-doing by avoiding it whenever possible.)

6) A good case in point is (can be best provided by) that of (e.g.A good case in point is that of a businessman who makes money by fair means or foul.

7) Just consider/think of the matter/case of

(e.g.Just consider the matter of raising flowers that are delicate and sensitive to watering.)

8) In the course of,for example,there is/are

(e.g.In the course of coping with worries in life,for example,there is an art to what way you take.)[HJ*4/7]

9) Takefor example(或Take,for example,)A (e.g.Take foot racing (for example),it is a sport in which endurance and strong finish is often more important.)

10) As a(n) example (of)/illustration (of)/case in point,lets take/see/consider/follow/cite

11) Awareness of the matter in question is one thing/only the beginning( 或 the first step),but more important to us is the step/the question of how to (cope with/do with it)

(e.g.Awareness of the harmfulness of superstition is only the first step,but more important to our nation is the step of how to clear it out of our society.)

12) There is no easy (perfect/universal/two-bird-one-stone/happiest) method (short-cut/solution/remedy/way) at hand,butcan put us on the right way (in the correct direction) to our final goal/destination (are/is worth trying out in our work.)

(e.g.There is no easy short-cut to removal of superstition,but the following measures/suggestions can put our determination in the right direction.)

13) There is no better/sounder time to take steps/measures/action than right now,for no chance will be greater than the one we are offered.


14) It is obvious (evident/clear/no surprising/high time/hoped/suggested),therefore,that all-out (constant/great/cooperative/further/genuine/substantial/considerable/persistent) efforts should be made (exerted/used/bent/put forth) to (或should be directed to/focused on)

(e.g.It is evident,therefore,that constant efforts should be directed to the ecological balance.)

15) Therefore/Obviously/No doubt/Clearly,tois not a(n) goal/aim to achieve in one step/move/go(或is no easy job/task),and to achieve in one stp/move/ go(或is no easy job/task),and it requires/involves/entails special/proper/all possible means/efforts/measures/remedies.

(e.g.Therefore,to eradicate this inherent weakness from our society is not a goal to reach in one move,and it requires special efforts.)

16) When/If asked toI would like to/would rather (not)/will do as follows.

(e.g.If asked to find the way out of the danger these depraved practices have created,I would rather live a simple life than go along with any others in their evil deeds.)

17) ToI might as well cite my own experience.

(e.g.To draw out of others more valuable opinions upon the problem,I might as well cite my own experience.)

18) If I were thrown/put/involved in (to) the context/background/situation/the state of making my choice,I would

(e.g.If I were thrown into the freedom to make my choice among the styles of surviving,I would live like this:)

19) Faced with/Hit withI resolve/propose to

(e.g.Faced with the challenge from the future life,I resolve firmly to perfect myself in the aspects as follows.)

20) As far as I am concerned,I will/have/would(e.g.略)

21) If sth.is allowed to take its course,it will be sure/bound to bring about/leave/entail desired (unexpected/grave/immediate/reverse/disastrous/far-re aching) effects/consequences/influences.(e.g.略)

22) There are sure/believed/supposed to be some good/bad/beneficial/harmful effects/consequences/influences.(e.g.略)

23) Come what may,it has given rise to several adverse/wholesome effects.(e.g.略)

24) What merits our special/increasing attention/concern,therefore,is a number of effects/influences sth.has produced/exerted.

(e.g.What merits our primary concern,therefore,is a variety of effects the bad practices in our Party have produced.)

25) The influence/effect/consequence ofhas not been confined/limited to(It also)(e.g.The influence of our outlook on life has not been confined to any particular aspect of social life.Instead,it has left its mark on every facet of our society.)

26) From the analyses of causes forit is not hard for one to arrive at/come to/reach/draw/assert/deduce/confirm the conclusion that(或to distinguish/see the direction in which)

(e.g.From the analyses of causes for divorces,it is not hard for us to draw the conclusion that the divorce rates will go up steadily under the current circumstances.)

27) If one continues to cast an indifferent eye on/to turn a deaf ear to/ to be blind to/to overlook the problem,things are sure to go from bad to worse.或:If one is in real earnest in giving all his attention/concern to the problem/matter,things are bound to go from good to better/from bad to good.A

(e.g.If the governments at all levels are in earnest in giving their special concern to the problem of unemployment,things are more than likely to go from bad to good.)

28) Thus it can be seen from the above that (doing) sth.means much/a great deal/lots more than itself.

(e.g.Thus it can be seen that nourishing honesty in government bodies means much more than itself.)

29) The significance of (doing) sth.is embodied/reflected in the following respects.


30) Obviously/Evidently/Clearly/No doubt,sth.will contribute much to (will add life/color/variety/new meanings/vigor to)

(e.g.Clearly,the afforestation drive will contribute much to our living environment.)

31) Of the two things in question,I prefer/favor/give more weight to/endorse the first (second)/the former (latter)。(e.g.略)

32) If it is up to me to make a choice (between both),I would rather chooseover

(e.g.If it were up to me to make a choice between both in the event of betrayal of ones country,I would rather choose death over life.)

33) Since neither of the two things can be perfect in/work effectively / come up to(the required standard),the best/only/ideal course open to sb.is to

(e.g.Since neither of the two measures can be perfect in the solution to the problem of cheating in exams,the best course open to us is to combine the two measures with other possible solutions.)

34) In view of the fact that there are obvious/serious drawbacks/weakness e s in either of the things in question,I advocate/endorse(或insist/maintain/h old that)

(e.g.In view of the fact that there are serious drawbacks in either of the suggestions,I insist that full play should be given to each others advantages for our purpose.)

35) As seen from the above comparison,the first (second) thing is prefer able/more favorable (desirable) (或the first/second thing has more to recommend it),but it should suck advantage out of the other for the sake of perfection.


36) From the above comparison and contrast,anyone can safely/reasonably conclude that

(e.g.that travelling by car can offer him a greater privilege (chance) of getting to know natural conditions and social customs of places on his way.)

37) When the advantages and disadvantages (the pros and cons of both are weighed in terms of(on the basis of/in the light of),dont you think/agree that(agree to/favor)?

(e.g.Whenin terms of actual results,dont you agree that the latter is a better way of learning?)

38) Therefore/In conclusion/To sum up,it is because of the unique/substantial/manifold advantages/superiority offered/held bythat

(e.g.In brief,it is because of the substantial advantages held by the perfection of supervision that the public places high hopes on it.)

39) As things stand,in fact/substance,nothing can be compared with B in although

(e.g.it is not without defects.)

(e.g.As things stand,in fact,nothing can be compared with the crackdown o f corrupt officials in arousing the enthusiasm of the masses,although it is not without defects.)

40) True/Admittedly/Indeed,there are still imperfections in B,but its strong/bright side is what one needs badly.(e.g.略)












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