1. adjust [dst]
vt.1.校正,校准,调整 2.调节,改变以适应 vi.(to)适应
【词根记忆】: ad + just 正确弄正确调整
【短语搭配】:adjust and control调控
【真题例句】:Because they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges... 因为青少年正在适应新的身体状况、心智和情感方面的诸多挑战(2003年知识运用)
2. judge [dd]
n.1.法官,审判员 2.裁判员,评判员,鉴定人 vt.1.断定,判断,认为 2.裁决,评定 3.审判,判决 vi.判断,裁决
【词根记忆】:judg 判断判断事物的人法官
【短语搭配】:judge of判断;评价
judge by根据作出判断
3. judgment[dmnt]
n.1.看法,意见,评价 2.判断,判断力 3.审判,判决
【词根记忆】: judge(判断)+ ment (抽象名词后缀)
【真题例句】:While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments. 尽管律师的评论和反馈可能会提高报导的质量,但新闻记者最好还是依靠自己对重要性的理解并作出自己的判断。(2007年翻译)
4. judicial [dl]
a.1.司法的,法庭的,审判的 2.明断的,公正的
【短语搭配】:judicial practice司法程序
judicial system司法制度
【真题例句】:The White House says the meeting was about stalled judicial nominations, not arms control.白宫说这次会谈是关于减缓司法的任命,不是控制核武器。(2003年阅读text 3)
5. jurisdiction [,drdkn]
【词根记忆】:juris 司法+dict+ion说法律的司法权
【真题例句】:So when the premiers gather in Niagara Falls to assemble their usual complaint list, they should also get cracking about something in their jurisdiction that would help their budgets and patients.所以当总理们在尼亚加拉瀑布集合要整合他们不寻常的抱怨清单的时候,他们应该着手一些司法系统中对预算和病人有益的事。(2005新题型)
6. jury [ri]
n.1.陪审团 2.(比赛或展览的)评判委员会
【真题例句】:The jury agreed that the nature of the game, not the helmet, was the reason for the athletes injury. 陪审团也认为造成该运动员受伤的是这项运动本身的危险性,而不是头盔。(1999年阅读Text 1)
7. just [dst]
ad.1.正好,恰恰正是 2.只是,仅仅 3.刚才,方才 4.确实,真正地,非常 5.勉强地 a.1.正义的,公正的 2.恰当的,应得的
【真题例句】:Growing bodies need movement and exercise, but not just in ways that emphasize competition.青少年成长中,身体需要运动和锻炼,但这并不是仅仅通过竞争的方式来进行的。(2003年知识运用)
8. defendant [dfndnt]
adj.辩护的;为自己辩护的 n.被告
【真题例句】:He had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day. 他在一天中已经判了五六名被告执行社区服务性劳役,那么他就很有可能把下一个人送进监狱。(2013年知识运用)