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2016-04-28 | 网络


1. The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, first by national journals in the nineteenth century and then by several local geological journals in the twentieth century.

2. This modern faith in m

edicines is proved by the fact that the annual drug bill of the Health Services is mounting to astronomical figures and shows no signs at present of ceasing to rise.

3. This overlooked the fact that the poor nations now can borrow the technologies of more developed nations, some of which will be readily adaptable to their own environments, and improve their techniques of production very rapidly.

4. Ninety-nine in a hundred of what are called educated men are in this condition,

and even of those who can argue fluently for their opinions.

5. As families move away from their stable community, their friends of many years, their extended family relationships, the informal flow of information is cut off, and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable.

6. We have enriched our lives by creating physical mobility through the motor-car, the jet aeroplane, and other means of mechanical transp

ort; and we have added to our intellectual mobility by the telephone, radio, and television.

7. He extends his own energies by the generation and transmission of power and his nervous system and his thinking and decision making faculties through automation.

8. On the whole such a conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence, but only if the child can be assumed to have had the same attitude towards the test as the other with whom he

is being compared, and only if he was not punished by lack of relevant information which they possessed.

9. Secondly, it is not merely desirable but essential for a teacher to have a great capacity for sympathy, a capacity to understand the minds and feelings of other people and, especially, since most teachers are school teachers, the minds and feelings of children.

10. This is the world out of which grows the hope, for the first time in history, of a society where there

will be freedom from want and freedom from fear.

11. This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishments cannot generally be foreseen in detail.

12. Webb argues that the colonial legislative assemblies represented the interests not of the common people but of the colonial upper classes, a coalition of merchants and nobility who favo

red self-rule and sought to elevate legislative authority at the expense of the executive.

13. Closely related with this is the capacity to be tolerant not, indeed, of what is wrong, but of the weaknesses and immaturity of human nature which induce people, and again especially children, to make mistakes.

14. Proponents believe that may permanently change the babys structure, functioning and metabolism, setting it up to be more vulnerable than normal to the

14. Proponents believe that may permanently change the babys structure, functioning and metabolism, setting it up to be more vulnerable than normal to the development in adulthood of heart disease and related disorders such as high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes.

15. Moreover, I can feel strong emotions in response to objects of arts that are interpretations, rather than representations, of reality.

16. New forms of thoughts as well as new subjects for thought must aris

e in the future as they have in the past, giving rise to new standards of elegance.

17. Never mind something as complex as conversation: the most powerful computers struggle to reliably recognize the shape of an object, the most elementary of tasks for a ten-month-old kid.

18. Few changes in the domestic American economy in the postwar period appear to me to be as significant and as inadequately recognized, particularly by national policy makers, as those changes

heavily influenced by technologywhich increasingly bind the domestic economy to the rest of the world, and make it a more independent sub-element of a larger and more powerful economic system.

19. While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.

20. In a critique published this week in The Lancet medical

journal, scientists conclude that the reported link between low birth weight and higher blood pressure later in life, an early cornerstone of the theory, may not be as strong as previously thought.

21. The realization that she can be a good provider may increase the chances that a working wife will choose divorce over an unsatisfactory marriage.

22. For most thinkers since the Greek philosophers, it was self-evident that there is something called human nature, something th

at constitutes the essence of man.

23. The exact mechanisms involved are still mysterious, but the likelihood that many cancers are initiated at the level of genes suggests that we will never prevent all cancers.

24. The fact that the general literature on interviewing does not deal with the journalistic interview seems to be surprising for two reasons.

25. In 1993, there was an explosion in a population of rodents in southwestern United States that spread hantavirus syndr

ome, a lung infection, after a drought that killed off the rodents predators was quickly followed by heavy rains that expanded the rats food supply.

26. She adds, Most women and blacks are so frightened that people will think theyve gotten ahead because of their sex or color that they play down(使不突出)their visibility.

27. An examination of the history of humanity suggested that man in our epoch is so different from man in previous times

that it seemed unrealistic to assume that men in every age have had in common something that can be called human nature.

28. The study of primitive peoples has discovered such a diversity of customs, values, feelings, and thoughts that many anthropologists arrived at the concept that man is born as a blank sheet of paper on which each culture writes its text.

29. As surgeons watch a three-dimensional image of the surgery, they move instruments that are connected to

a computer, which passes their movements to robotic instruments that perform the surgery.

30. After driving many of the animals around them to near extinction, people were forced to abandon their old way of life for a radically new survival strategy that resulted in widespread starvation and disease.

31. Indeed, the human history has not been merely touched by global climate change, some scientists argue, it has in some instances been driven by it.

32. It is true that in this country

we have more overweight people than ever before, and that, in many cases, being over-weight correlates with an increased risk of heart and blood vessel disease.

33. Science fiction is not only change speculator but change agent, sending an echo from the future that is becoming into the present that is sculpting it.

34. It is the capacity of the computer for solving problems and making decisions that represents its greatest potential and that poses the greatest difficu

lties in predicting the impact on society.

35. Depending upon how the couple reacts to these new conditions, it could create a stronger equal partnership or it could create new insecurities.

36. As a consequence, it may prove difficult or impossible to establish for a successful revolution a comprehensive and trustworthy picture of those who participated or to answer even the most basic questions one might pose concerning the social origins of the insurgents.

37. Yet Walzers argume

37. Yet Walzers argument, however deficient, does point to one of the most serious weaknesses of capitalismnamely, that it brings to predominant positions those people who, however legitimately they have earned their material rewards, often lack those important qualities which evoke affection or admiration.

38. However, it is those of us who are paid to make the decisions to develop, improve and enforce environmental standards, I submit, who must lead the charge.

39. The theor

y, known as the fetal origins of adult disease hypothesis, postulates that when a fetus is undernourished, it diverts resources to areas it really needs at the time, such as the brain, at the expense of organs it will need later in life, such as the lungs.

40. Whether the productivity gains that result from new industries based on new technology are properly reflected in the indices we use to measure productivity or not, each of these industries has given us a

quantum jump in productivity, no matter how you choose to define it.

41. The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctively important social science.

42. It is recounted of Thomas Carlyle that when he heard of the illness of his friend, Henry Tailor, he went off immediately to visit him, carrying with him in his pocket what remai

ned of a bottle of medicine formerly prescribed for an indisposition of Mrs Carlyles.

43. The question of whether the decrease in plant fecundity caused by the spraying of pesticides actually causes a decline in the overall population of flowering plant species still remains unanswered.

44. President Bush, in a June 11 speech on global climate change, described as fatally flawed the 1997 treaty negotiated in Kyoto, Japan, by the United States and other in

dustrial countries but later rejected by the Bush Administration.

45. Given the great expense of conducting such experiments with proper controls, and the limited promise of experiments performed thus far, it is questionable whether further experiments in this area should even be conducted.

46. One of the first measures proposed by president Franklin D .Roosevelt when he took office in 1933 was the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which was subsequently passed by Congress.

47. As the century

developed, the increasing magnitude and complexity of the problems to be solved and the growing interconnection of different disciplines made it impossible, in many cases, for the individual scientist to deal with the huge mass of new data, techniques and equipment required for carrying out research accurately and efficiently.

48. If courses in design, which in a strongly analytical engineering curriculum provide the background required for practical problem solving are no

t provided, we can expect to encounter silly but costly errors occurring in advanced engineering systems.

49. There is no more difference, but there is just the same kind of difference, between the mental operations of a man of science and those of an ordinary person, as there is between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher weighing out his goods in common scales, and the operations of a chemist in performing a diffi

cult and complex analysis by means of his balance and finely graded weights.

50. It is not that the scales in the one case, and the balance in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working; but that the latter is a much finer apparatus and of course much more accurate in its measurement than the former.

51. Probably there is not one here who has not in the course of the day had occasion to set in motion a complex train of reasoning,

of the very same kind, though differing in degree, as that which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena.

52. The patients attending the out-patients departments of our hospitals feel that they have not received adequate treatment unless they are able to carry home with them some tangible remedy in the form of a bottle of medicine, a box of pills or a small jar of ointment.

53. There is no quicker method of disposing of patients than by giving the

m what they are asking for, and since most medical men in the Health Services are over-worked and have little time for offering time-consuming and little-appreciated advice on such subjects as diet, right living and the need for abandoning bad habits, etc, the bottle, the box and the jar are almost always granted them.

54. It is recounted of Thomas Carlyle that when he heard of the illness of his friend, Henry Tailor, he went off immediately to visit him, carrying wi

th him in his pocket what remained of a bottle of medicine formerly prescribed for an indisposition of Mrs. Carlyles.

55. Carlyle was entirely ignorant of what the bottle in his pocket contained, of the nature of illness from which his friend was suffering, and of what had previously been wrong with his wife, but a medicine that had worked so well in one form of illness would surely be of equal benefit in another, and comforted by

the thought of the help he was bringing to his friend, he hastened to Henry Tailors house.

56. It is often pointed out that, however ingenious they may be about future technologies, many SCIENCE FICTION writers exhibit an implicit conservative bias in their stories, insofar as social projections are either ignored or based on variations of the present status quo or of historical social systems reshuffled whole-cloth into the future.

57. The underlying assumption of every kind o

f government by wisers and betters is that people on the whole are not fit to manage their own affairs, but must have someone else do it for them, and there is no paradox when such a government treats its subjects without respect, or deals with them on the basis of their having no rights that the government must take into account.

58. While it is perhaps puzzling that Jordan and Turner do not see that there is no logic that requires dualism as a philosophical basis for

preservation, more puzzling is the sharpness and ruthlessness of their attack on preservationists, reinforced by the fact that they offer little, if any, criticism of those who have robbed the natural world.

59. Americans who stem from generations which left their old people behind and never closed their parents eyelids in death, and who have experienced the additional distance from death provided by two world wars are today pushing away from them

59. Americans who stem from generations which left their old people behind and never closed their parents eyelids in death, and who have experienced the additional distance from death provided by two world wars are today pushing away from them both a recognition of death and a recognition of the tremendous significance for the future of the way we live our lives.

60. Acceptance of the inevitability of death, which, when faced, can give dignity to life, and

acceptance of our inescapable role in the modern world, might transmute our anxiety about making the right choices, taking the right precautions and the right risks into the sterner stuff of responsibility, which ennobles the whole face rather than furrowing the forehead with little wrinkles of worry.

61. Recently federal policy makers have adopted an approach intended to accelerate development of the minority business sector by moving away from directly aiding small

minority enterprises and toward supporting larger, growth-oriented minority firms through intermediary companies.

62. SCIENCE FICTION can provide students interested in the future with a basic introduction to the concept of thinking about possible futures in a serious way, a sense of the emotional forces in their own culture that are affecting the shape the future may take, and a multitude of extrapolations regarding the results of present trends.

63. There is one particular type of st

ory that can be especially valuable as a stimulus to discussion of these issues both in courses on the future and in social science courses in general-the story which presents well-worked-out, detailed societies that differ significantly from the society of the reader.

64. In performing this what if function, SCIENCE FICTION can act as a social laboratory as authors ruminate upon the forms social relationships could take if key variables in their own societ

ies were different, and upon what new belief systems or mythologies could arise in the future to provide the basic rationalizations for human activities.

65. If it is true that more people find it difficult to conceive of the ways in which their society, or human nature itself, could undergo fundamental changes, then SCIENCE FICTION of this type may provoke ones imagination to consider the diversity of paths potentially open to society.

66. That is, SCIENCE FICTION has always ha

d a certain cybernetic effect on society, as its visions emotionally engage the future-consciousness of the mass public regarding especially desirable and undesirable possibilities.

67. It is often pointed out that, however ingenious they may be about future technologies, many SCIENCE FICTION writers exhibit an implicit conservative bias in their stories, insofar as social projections are either ignored or based on variations of the present status quo

or of historical social systems reshuffled whole-cloth into the future.

68. Most SCIENCE FICTION authors have found it as hard as most other mortals to extrapolate social mores different from those operating within their own milieu, so that, it has been charged, far from preparing the reader for future shock, SCIENCE FICTION is a literature that comfortably and smugly reassures him that the future will not be radically different from the present.

69. The physicist rightly dreads precise

argument, since an argument that is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force if the assumptions on which it is based are slightly changed, whereas an argument that is convincing though imprecise may well be stable under small perturbations of its underlying assumptions.

70. John Dewey has said in all seriousness that the part played by custom in shaping the behavior of the individual as over against any way in which he can affect traditional custom,

is as the proportion of the total vocabulary of his mother tongue over against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the language of his family.

71. But assuming that the contrast I have developed is valid, and that the fostering of skills and creativity are both worthwhile goals, the important question becomes this: can we gather a way, from the Chinese and American extremes, a superior way, perhaps striking a better balance between creativity and basic skills?

72. Even t

he folk knowledge in social systems on which ordinary life is based in earning, spending, organizing, marrying, taking part in political activities, fighting, and so on, is not very dissimilar from the more sophisticated images of the social system derived from the social sciences, even though it is built upon the very imperfect samples of personal experience.

73. The question of whether the decrease in plant fecundity caused by the spraying of pesticides actually causes a d

ecline in the overall population of flowering plant species still remains unanswered.

74. This fact alone makes imperative in any education system the study of the kinds of works discussed in this section.

75. The explosion of a bomb in the streets of a city whose name no one had ever heard before may set in motion forces which end up by ruining ones carefully planned education in law school, half a world away.

76. These questions are political in the sense that the debate

over them will inevitably be less an exploration of abstract matters in a spirit of disinterested(公正的,没有私利的) inquiry than an academic power struggle in which the careers and professional fortunes of many women scholars only now entering the academic profession in substantial numbersare at stake, and with them the chances for a distinctive contribution to humanistic understanding, a contribution that might serve as a

over them will inevitably be less an exploration of abstract matters in a spirit of disinterested(公正的,没有私利的) inquiry than an academic power struggle in which the careers and professional fortunes of many women scholars only now entering the academic profession in substantial numbersare at stake, and with them the chances for a distinctive contribution to humanistic understanding, a contribution that might serve as a

77. But the plight of the world compels his unwilling attention, and when he sees that human stupidity and greed are about to plunge Europe into chaos and destroy the most glorious civilization the world has ever known, he feels that it is high time for men of good sense and good will to intervene and to take politics out of the hands of the plutocrats of the Right and the woolly-minded idealists of the Left.

78. Never when controversy avoided the subjects which are large and impo

rtant enough to arouse enthusiasm was the mind of a people stirred up from its foundations and the impulse given which raised even persons of the most ordinary intellect to something of the dignity of thinking beings.

79. Where there is an unspoken convention that principles are not to be disputed or where the discussion of the greatest questions which can occupy humanity is considered to be closed, we cannot hope to find that generally high scale of me

ntal activity which has made some periods of history so remarkable.

80. Interest in historical methods has risen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.

81. While historians once revered its affinity to literature and philosophy, the emerging social sciences seemed to afford greater opportunities for asking new questions and providing rewarding approaches t

o an understanding of the past.

82. Social science methodologies had to be adapted to a discipline governed by the primacy of historical sources rather than the imperatives of the contemporary world.

83. During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of historical evidence in the historical study.

84. There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work

in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.

85. The fallacy applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources, and to social science historians who equate their activities with specific techniques.

86. I shall define an intellectual as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格拉底

) way about moral problems.

87. Whether to use tests,other kinds of information, or both in a particular situation depends, therefore, upon the evidence from experience concerning comparative validity and upon such factors as cost and availability.

88. In general, the tests work most effectively when the qualities to be measured can be most precisely defined and least effectively when what is to be measured or predicted cannot be well defined. Tests do not

compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.

89. While in America the trend started as a reaction to the economic decline----after the mass redundancies caused by downsizing in the late 80s---and is still linked to the politics of thrift, in Britain, at least among the middle-class down-shifters of my acquaintance, we have

89. While in America the trend started as a reaction to the economic decline----after the mass redundancies caused by downsizing in the late 80s---and is still linked to the politics of thrift, in Britain, at least among the middle-class down-shifters of my acquaintance, we have different reasons for seeking to simplify our lives.

90. An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of students career prospects and those ar

90. An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of students career prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom for broader reasons of radical educational reform.

91. Very few writers on the subject have explored this distinction indeed, contradiction which goes to the heart of what is wrong with the campaign to put computers in the classroom.

92. An education that aims at getting a student a certain ki

nd of job is a technical education, justified for reasons radically different from why education is universally required by law.

93. It is not simply to raise everyones job prospects that all children are legally required to attend school into their teens.

94. Banking on the confusion between educational and vocational reasons for bringing computers into schools, computer-education advocates often emphasize the job prospects of graduates over their educational achievement.

95. But,

for a small group of students, professional training might be the way to go since well developed skills, all other factors being equal, can be the difference between having a job and not. Of course, the basics of using any computer these days are very simple. It does not take a lifelong acquaintance to pick up various software programs.

96. When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however f

arfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal.

97. It is a curious paradox that we think of the physical sciences as hard, the social sciences as soft, and the biological sciences as somewhere in between.

98. New forms of thoughts as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as they have in the past, giving rise to new standards of elegance.

99. Never mind somethin

g as complex as conversation: the most powerful computers struggle to reliably recognize the shape of an object, the most elementary of tasks for a ten-month-old kid.

100. There are those who assert that the switch to an information-based economy is in the same camp as other great historical milestones, particularly the Industrial Revolution.

101. I shall define an intellectual as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thi

nking in Socratic(苏格拉底) way about moral problems.

102. He explores such problem consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action which seems appropriate in the light of the factual and moral information which he has obtained.

103. His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning

which led him to his decision.

104. This definition excludes many individuals usually referred to as intellectuals----the average scientist for one. I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.

105. Like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in everyday performance of his routine duties--- he is not s

upposed to cook his experiments, manufacture evidence, or doctor his reports.

106. But his primary task is not to think about the moral code, which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. During most of his walking life he will take his code for granted, as the businessman takes his ethics.

107. Never when prolonged arguments avoided the subjects which are huge and important enough

to rouse enthusiasm was the mind of a people stirred up from its foundations and the impulse given which raised even persons of the most ordinary intellect to something of thinking beings.

108. Creating a European identity that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice - that of producing programs in Europe for Europe.

109. Declaring that he was opposed to us

ing this unusual animal husbandry technique to clone humans, he ordered that federal funds not be used for such an experiment-although no one had proposed to do so--and asked an independent panel of experts chaired by Princeton President Harold Shapiro to report back to the White House in 90 days with recommendations for a national policy on human cloning.

110. That group--the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC)-has been working feverishly to put its wisdom on paper,

and at a meeting on 17 May, members agreed on a near-final draft of their recommendations.

111. NBAC will ask that Clintons 90-day ban on federal funds for human cloning be extended indefinitely, and possibly that it be made law. But NBAC members are planning to word the recommendation narrowly to avoid new restrictions on research that involves the cloning of human DNA or cells-routine in molecular biology.

112. In a draft preface to the recommendations, discussed at the 17

May meeting, Shapiro suggested that the panel had found a broad consensus that it would be morally unacceptable to attempt to create a human child by adult nuclear cloning.

113. NBAC plans to call for a continued ban on federal government funding for any attempt to clone body cell nuclei to create a child. Because current federal law already forbids the use of federal funds to create embryos (the earliest stage of human offspring before birth) fo

r research or to knowingly endanger an embryo s life, NBAC will remain silent on embryo research.

114. For example, ALH84001 has been on earth for 13,000 years, suggesting to some scientists that its PAHs might have resulted form terrestrial contamination.

115. Two years later, the McKay team announced that ALH84001, which scientists generally agree originated on Mars, contained compelling evidence that life once existed on Mars.

116. Many commentators believe that this c

hange had already occurred in 1871 whenfollowing a dispute between the House and the Senate over which chamber should enjoy primacy in Indian affairsCongress abolished the making of treaties with Native American tribes.

117. But in reality the federal government continued to negotiate formal tribal agreements past the turn of the century, treating these documents not as treaties with sovereign nations requiring ratification by the Senate but simp

ly as legislation to be passed by both houses of Congress.

118. This historian assumes that Alessandra had goals and interests different from those of her sons, yet much of the historians own research reveals that Alessandra acted primarily as a champion of her sons interests, taking their goals as her own.

119. Most pre-1990 literature on businesses use of information technology (IT)defined as any form of computer-based information systemfocused on

119. Most pre-1990 literature on businesses use of information technology (IT)defined as any form of computer-based information systemfocused on spectacular IT successes and reflected a general optimism concerning ITs potential as a resource for creating competitive advantage.

120. The findings support the notion, founded in resource-based theory, that competitive advantages do not arise from easily replicated resources, no matter how impressi

ve or economically valuable they may be, but from complex, intangible resources.













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